
Freitag, 15. April 2011

Weiße werden als Rassisten geboren

Was der politisch Korrekte schon immer ahnte: Weiße werden als Rassisten geboren. Denn auf Dienekes' Anthropology Blog kann man nachlesen das deren Babys die eigene Rasse bevorzugen. Deshalb muss der "Kampf gegen rechts" schon in der Kindergrippe ansetzen.

"Young infants are known to prefer own-race faces to other race faces and recognize own-race faces better than other-race faces. However, it is entirely unclear as to whether infants also attend to different parts of own- and other-race faces differently, which may provide an important clue as to how and why the own-race face recognition advantage emerges so early. The present study used eye tracking methodology to investigate whether 6- to 10-month-old Caucasian infants (N = 37) have differential scanning patterns for dynamically displayed own- and other-race faces."1

(1) Dienekes' Anthropology Blog: Discriminating babies:

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